Since 2024. This is a blog.
Just noticed something interesting with a few listings. It looks like a handful of nascent job boards have devised a strategy to gain more user profiles by basically suckering candidates into registering profiles, based on job listings they had placed…
This is mostly anecdotal. Setting the context of my experience here, I’m a middle-aged LAMP* stack Web Developer living in the LA/OC (Southern California) area. I’d like to think I’ve been in the business for long enough to express a…
I got the Wacaco Minipresso GR almost 2 years ago. I got it because I was sold on the dream of swarthily (haha hardly) backpacking to a campsite, busting it out, and downing an espresso shot. That was the dream!…
Grid Doctor 300 markets itself as a Solar Generator System, basically a portable battery with solar panels. How well does it do that job? Pretty well, I can’t complain. As far as specs, it says It has a battery capacity…
I got a Mr Buddy Heater a while back. It’s the first camping gear I’ve used that requires those small green propane canisters, usually Coleman brand from what I’ve seen. It’s been great, warms up the tent and all, no problem. …
Being that I’m somewhat of a fishing newb, I hadn’t realized that a broken fishing rod can be repaired relatively easily. I entered some wild notion that any damage on the rod would render it unusable, like an LCD TV…
For the longest time I’ve had a Leatherman Micra, like, maybe 10 years or so. I originally got it at Costco because I just thought Leathermans were cool, it would be handy, and it was probably the smallest and cheapest…
Hello, world. Hel-lo world. Hell-o, world.